Renowned French rapper and activist, Kery James, has once again taken center stage in his ongoing battle against police violence. In his latest theatrical endeavor, "A Huis Clos," he masterfully crafts a dialogue between two powerful characters: Soulaymaan Traore, a lawyer portrayed by Kery James himself, and Judge Nicolas, played by Jérôme Kircher.
The gripping narrative unfolds as Traore accuses the judge of influencing a jury's decision to acquit a police officer who fatally shot his brother, Demba, in the back. Kery James, whose fervent campaign against police brutality has been a recurring theme in his music, theater productions, and films, remains unyielding in his commitment to effecting change.
Addressing the significance of his work, he asserted, "If I didn't have hope that things would change, I wouldn't have written this play. We're all trying to do our bit. I happen to be an artist, and what I can do is tell stories. I do that through the stories I choose to tell, on stage, in film, or in my songs."The impact of Kery James' work transcends the boundaries of traditional art forms. Ulysse Boulestin, a drama teacher in Nanterre, praised the production's ability to bridge the gap between disparate characters and audiences. He marveled at the fusion of rap's poetry with theatrical intensity, captivating even those unaccustomed to the theater.
Boulestin shared, "For the poetry of rap to arrive on a theatre stage in such a present and gripping way, and for it to take a whole room with it, which is not necessarily accustomed to the theatre at first... It's still hair-raising!"Kery James emphasizes that while dialogue alone may not be the ultimate solution, it serves as the crucial first step towards change. Speaking passionately to his audience in Nantes, he reiterated, "Dialogue alone won't change the situation, but it's the first step."In addition to his groundbreaking theater work, Kery James has extended his impactful message to the realm of cinema.
The release of "Banlieusards 2" on Netflix, a sequel to his previous film, once again features Soulaymaan, the determined student lawyer, alongside his brothers, Demba and Noumouké. In this film, Kery James assumes multiple roles, including actor, scriptwriter, and co-director, ensuring that his powerful narrative continues to reach diverse audiences.
Looking ahead, Kery James has plans for a new album slated for release at the end of the year. As he persists in his artistic endeavors, he remains a beacon of hope and inspiration, using his creative platform to challenge societal injustices and advocate for a more equitable future.