Tragedy struck Conakry, Guinea, as a devastating blast at the heart of the city's oil terminal claimed the lives of at least eight individuals, leaving 84 injured. The inferno, now contained, shook the Kaloum administrative district, shattering windows in nearby homes and prompting a mass exodus.
Witnesses, including Reuters, reported a scene of chaos as a massive fire and thick black smoke engulfed the skyline, drawing firefighters who valiantly battled the flames. Tanker trucks, guarded by soldiers and police, hurriedly evacuated the depot, amplifying the urgency of the situation.
While Guinea isn't an oil-producing nation, it relies on imported refined products stored in the Kaloum terminal, which are then distributed across the country. The extent of damage to the crucial terminal remains uncertain. Notably, the country maintains a smaller oil depot in Kamsar, primarily serving mining firms.
As the fire's aftermath unfolded, a somber column of smoke lingered, casting a shadow over the cit
. Authorities remain in the dark about the fire's origin, prompting a government statement declaring an impending investigation to uncover the cause and identify potential culprits.
In the wake of this disaster, questions loom about the safety of such facilities, raising concerns that demand urgent attention.