President William Ruto, playfully dubbed "Zakayo" by some Kenyans, faces mounting criticism as his administration introduces and raises taxes, straying from his promise to champion the cause of struggling "hustlers." Despite acknowledging the public's discomfort with these tax measures, Ruto justifies them as vital sacrifices for the nation's financial health.
In a recent Independence Day address, he asserted that these tough decisions aimed to curtail government borrowing and tackle the soaring national debt, which he inherited from previous administrations.
While Ruto insists that the nation's fiscal path is a necessary one, many Kenyans vehemently disagree. The burden of increased taxes dominates daily conversations, exacerbated by the escalating cost of living.
Citizens argue that these taxes primarily serve to finance governmental extravagance rather than enhancing public services, challenging the narrative that these fiscal choices align with the best interests of the people.